Saturday, June 21, 2008

aka 80ism

Lord Lytton accidentally reveals how the theory of evolution is dead on arrival. Everything can be accounted for by natural processes, Bulwer proposes in The Haunter and the Haunted. More specifically, every phenomenon has behind it a natural law which can be adduced. There is no supernatural agency. It's all either "science" not yet discovered or knowledge that has always been held back. Yet another example of science without boundaries.

Problem for evolutionists: when trying to subtract supernaturalism from irreducible complexity they eliminate from the debate the notion that a process beyond science could be responsible for the origin of life, the chemistry to biology event horizon, that isn't supernatural by definition.

(Guess that's circular. How it could have turned out like that must be a good thing. B/c it's funny how the second part somehow manages to connect with the first part. Didn't seem likely from the first part.)

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