Saturday, May 10, 2008

More hockey (for now)

Maybe soon I post something different

Johan Franzen out with concussion like symptoms. Been having headaches since the early part of the second round. Hmm, wonder how that happened? Is it another case of the grand old hockey tradition of maiming guys you (Colorado, this time) can't stop honourably?

Meanwhile, do I sense the specter of Eric Lindros in the mysterious switch to 'concussion like symptoms'? Along with the lawyers, of course.

Franzen video here , his two hat tricks against Colorado. One from game 2; the other 4. After his last goal on the reel, somebody smacks him on top his helmet. That's gotta hurt...if he was like, concussed by then.

What I claim I believe I saw in that video is a difference in his celebration face, check that, face like area, after the 3rd goal in each trick. Game 2 he's beaming. 4, he could be concussed. (My head certainly hurt when his teammate smacked down on his dome.) Even though Detroit is well on their way to closing out the sweep, this is not evidence that for days now his head had ached constantly, I have to believe. The contrasting teammates-mobbing-you faces, though not irrefutably revealing Franzen is getting nauseous now, is too small a sample to make any guesses, I suspect.

Plus, more significantly at stake is a guy's career and overall health. Concussions and lasting struggle go together like herpes and Hollywood. Is it worth it? (In hockey we mean. We know what it is in Hollywood, we think.)

Missing at least 2 games is too large a sample of rare playoff hockey, however. Traditional-dirty
makes it more irritating. Stupid effing tradition of anything short of murder is cool with us, caused it's the way we had to come up so why should it be any easier for the next generation.

So, taking out the highly skilled guys neutral fans want to see is cool, even if they are newcomers, even if Sidnerella Crosby could be the next kid to experience lobotomy like symptoms. Why get up the hopes of new fans to the game that would expect to be investing in an industry that always wants the most talented guys controlling how the game is played out. Once the know nothing fans got uppity they might start demanding that referees look, maybe not competent, but not like they blatantly throw games regularly. Basketball fans, and soccer (int'l.) too, are keenly interested in the abilities of refs. But, the NHL must think with the way they let refs get away with all sorts of crazy ass shit, who needs those fans?


In the first shift of game 2, Dallas Drake crushed Stephane Robidas. 50+ minutes later, Robidas paid him back. Drake immediately back to the bench, bedazzled. Now that is honour in hockey.

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